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Longhua Supervision Bureau of Shenzhen Municipal Administration for Market Regulation Enhanced HONEST’s Intellectual Property Strategy with In-depth Inspected

In the contemporary landscape of innovation-driven growth, intellectual property has emerged as a pivotal asset for corporate advancement. Recently, Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Longhua Supervision Bureau leadership, first-class senior organizer Wu Shengbin, intellectual property section chief Li Gongke, patent technology expert Yu Bing, intellectual property attorney Xie Fan, and other leading comrades visited HONEST. They engaged in profound discussions and explorations on how to safeguard the innovative achievements of enterprises in an ever-evolving commercial sphere, thereby igniting new sources of growth, and enhancing the capabilities in the generation, application, protection, management, and service of intellectual property.


As a leading example of intellectual property (IP) protection, HONEST presented its developmental milestones, organizational structure, management strategies, and current operations to the visiting research team from the Longhua Supervision Bureau. It was highlighted that since its inception, HONEST has been steadfast in its commitment to an innovation-led growth strategy, treating intellectual property as a vital component of its competitive edge. Through sustained efforts and investments, HONEST has held 759 patents and acquired 45 registered trademarks.



After a thorough introduction, the research team from the Longhua Market Supervision Bureau of Shenzhen Municipal Market Supervision Administration gained an understanding of HONEST’s intellectual property layout and the current state of protection. Through communication with HONEST’s R&D team, the research team further understood the issues and difficulties the company faces in intellectual property and patent layout. They proposed targeted strategies and suggestions from the aspects of the application of intellectual property protection and the prevention of legal risks, guiding HONEST to strengthen the awareness of intellectual property protection and stimulate innovation momentum. What’s more, HONEST’s R&D team will enhance the ability to search for public service information on intellectual property and do a good job in patent early warning and layout.


In addition, the research team of the Longhua Market Supervision Bureau focused on the certification of the implementation of intellectual property standards, patent application, patent pledge financing, and other content, providing publicity and guidance services to HONEST.


Through strategic intellectual property (IP) placement, a company can ensure that its innovative achievements are safeguarded by law, preventing competitors from imitation or replication. Rights such as patents and trademarks can serve as barriers to entry for competitors, enhancing a company’s market competitiveness. They can also strengthen negotiation power within the supply chain and even be used as leverage to create a balance of power with competitors or to reach cross-licensing agreements, effectively managing IP risks.



The visit of the research team from the Longhua Market Supervision Bureau not only deepened the communication and connection between the government and HONEST but also provided valuable policy resources and practical guidance for innovative enterprises like HONEST. By effectively integrating intellectual property with business development, with demand as the guide, innovation as the driving force, and application as the goal, the visit has helped companies solve a range of difficulties and issues in the creation, utilization, protection, management, and service of intellectual property. This has improved the quality and efficiency of government services to businesses and promoted local economic development.


In the future, HONEST will further increase its investment in the protection of intellectual property, continuously enhancing its innovative capabilities and market competitiveness. At the same time, we will actively respond to government calls to participate in the certification of the implementation of IP standards and patent pledge financing, contributing to the promotion of local economic development and social progress.

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